Advice & Support

Drug & Alcohol Services

Argyll & Bute DARS Team - Main Office

  1. For adults
  2. For families
  3. For carers

The Argyll and Bute Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (DARS) Team is an integrated team comprising staff from NHS Highland and Argyll and Bute Council. Staff include Social Workers, Nurses and a Psychiatrist all of whom are specialists in recovery from substance use. DARS provides services across Argyll and Bute from bases in Dunoon, Rothesay, Helensburgh, Oban (outreach to Mull and Tiree), Lochgilphead and Campbeltown (outreach to Islay). Services include Assessment, Recovery Planning, Harm Reduction, Sexual Health Information, Blood Borne Virus Information and Testing, Opioid Replacement Therapy and Naloxone Training and Supply. Referral is via another professional e.g. GP, Social Worker etc. Members of the public and fellow professionals are most welcome to contact us for information and advice.

The Arach Centre, Lower Ground Floor, Mid Argyll Hospital, Blarbuie Road, Lochgilphead, PA31 8JZ

Tel: 01546 605602


DARS Kintyre

  1. For adults
  2. For families
  3. For carers

Outreach service covers Islay and Jura and includes harm reduction service. Referral is via another professional e.g. GP, Social Worker etc. Members of the public and fellow professionals are most welcome to contact us for information and advice.

Campbeltown Hospital, Ralston Road, Campbeltown, PA28 6LE

Tel: 01586 555816


  1. For adults
  2. For families
  3. For carers

Referral is via another professional e.g. GP, Social Worker etc. Members of the public and fellow professionals are most welcome to contact us for information and advice.

Victoria Hospital Annex, Lochfield, Towhead, Rothesay, PA20 9JH

Tel: 01700 894571

DARS Cowal

  1. For adults
  2. For families
  3. For carers

Referral is via another professional e.g. GP, Social Worker etc. Members of the public and fellow professionals are most welcome to contact us for information and advice.

Cowal Community Hospital, 360 Argyll Street, Dunoon, PA23 7RL

Tel: 01369 708710

Argyll & Bute Response Service

  1. For adults
  2. For families
  3. For carers

The Argyll & Bute Response Service is currently running only in Cowal and Bute. The service provides rapid access to Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) Clinics, allowing a choice of OAT Treatments. This is a 4 to 6 week intense initial support provision allowing smooth access to longer term mainstream services. The service offers rapid access into drug treatment which improves your health and recovery outcomes.

Tel: 07779992827

DARS Helensburgh and Lomond

  1. For adults
  2. For children-and-young-people
  3. For carers

Referral is via another professional e.g. GP, Social Worker etc. Members of the public and fellow professionals are most welcome to contact us for information and advice.

Jeannie Deans Unit, Victoria Infirmary, 93 East King Street, Helensburgh, G84 7BU

Tel: 01436 655053

DARS Mid Argyll

  1. For adults
  2. For families
  3. For carers

Referral is via another professional e.g. GP, Social Worker etc. Members of the public and fellow professionals are most welcome to contact us for information and advice.

Argyll and Bute Hospital, Lochgilphead, PA31 8LD

Tel: 01546 605602

DARS Oban, Lorn and Isles

  1. For adults
  2. For families
  3. For carers

Service covers Mull, Tiree and Coll. Referral is via another professional e.g. GP, Social Worker etc. Members of the public and fellow professionals are most welcome to contact us for information and advice. Includes harm reduction service.

Market Street Centre, Market Street, Oban, PA34 4HR

Tel: 01631 571294

With You - Argyll and Bute

  1. For adults
  2. For families
  3. For carers

With You provide a recovery service across Argyll & Bute. The service is for people and families who need support around their own or someone else’s drug or alcohol use. Book an assessment online here or call one of our offices where experienced staff will talk with you and provide support. We offer drop-in Needle Exchange at Ballochyle House Monday-Friday 9-5.

Oban, Lorn and the Isles - 1st Floor, Boswell House, Argyll Square, Oban PA34 4BD, Tel: 01631 700207 (covers Mull, Coll Tiree and the smaller Isles).

Helensburgh and Lomond - 17A East King Street, Helensburgh, G84 7QQ, Tel: 01436 640216.

Bute and Cowal - Ballochyle House, Kirk Street, Dunoon PA23 7DP, Tel: 01369 704406.

Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands - Custom House, Main Street, Bowmore, Islay PA43 7JJ, Tel: 01496 301455 (Direct dial for Mid Argyll and Kintyre: 07779776566).

Tel: 0800 206 1460


Argyll and Bute Harm Reduction Service

  1. For adults

The harm reduction service is co-ordinated from Market St Centre in Oban. There is access to needle exchange services across A&B with fixed site and outreach from Oban and supply and disposal facilities at any pharmacy in A&B displaying the national needle exchange sticker in the window.

Market Street Centre, Market Street, Oban, PA34 4HR

Tel: 01631 571294


Other Services

Argyll Community Housing Association

    Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) is a community led Registered Social Landlord providing over 5000 affordable homes for rent.

    63-65 Chalmers Street, Ardrishaig, PA30 8DX

    Tel: 0800 028 2755

    Contact Scotland British Sign Language

    1. For adults
    2. For families
    3. For children-and-young-people
    4. For carers

    Scotland’s British Sign Language Interpreting Video Relay Service (VRS) – enabling contact with all of Scotland’s public bodies and third sector organisations

    Tel: 0141 419 0420


    Family Mediation Argyll and Bute

      Family Mediation provides a range of services including child contact centres, child focused mediation, family mediation, direct consultation with children, intergenerational mediation, stepfamily mediation

      Suite 1, 26 Alexandra Place, Oban, Argyll, PA34 5PU

      Tel: 01631 570 101


      Home Start - Lorn

        Home-Start helps families with young children deal with whatever life throws at them. They support parents as they learn to cope, improve their confidence and build better lives for their children.

        Lorn, Queens Building, George Street, Oban, Argyllshire,PA34

        Tel: 01631 566749


        Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs

        1. For adults
        2. For families
        3. For carers

        Scottish Families is here to support anybody who has a concern about someone else’s substance use whether this is suspected use through to long term use. We have a free helpline that anyone can contact and access information and guidance on issues they are worried about. We offer dedicated family support via our Telehealth service whereby you can have a telephone appointment with a dedicated family support worker each week for an hour to support you and your wider family. We will also pay for free bereavement counselling for anyone who has lost a loved one and substances have featured in their life prior to death. All service are accessed via our helpline. All our services are free and available to anyone over the age of 16.

        Scottish Families Effected by Alcohol & Drugs, Edward House, 2nd Floor, 199 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3EX

        Tel: 08080 10 10 11


        Waverley Care

        1. For adults
        2. For families
        3. For children-and-young-people
        4. For carers

        Waverley Care provides safe and confidential support services to people in Argyll and Bute living with or affected by HIV and Hepatitis C. We also offer testing, sexual health information, blood borne virus training and LGBT support. Please contact us for more information or to access support.

        Waverley Care Glasgow, 12 Queens Crescent, Glasgow, G4 9AS

        Tel: 0141 332 2520


        KADAS (Kintyre Alcohol and Drugs Advisory Service)

        1. For adults
        2. For children-and-young-people

        KADAS offers a range of services and takes a holistic approach to support individuals and families experiencing problems associated with alcohol and drugs. KADAS provides confidential counselling and support, complimentary therapies, stress management, Acudetox, home visits, employability support. Kadas works in partnership to support young people through a range of services and in youth facilities.

        Castlehill, Campbeltown, Argyll, PA28 6AN

        Tel: 07455465726