Privacy Statement
Learn more about how and why we use cookies and how we protect the personal information you give us.
Privacy Policy
Argyll and Bute ADP seeks to ensure that the information published on this website is up to date and accurate.
While we hope you find the contents of this website interesting and informative and we believe the contents to be true and accurate as at the date of writing, but can give no assurances or warranty regarding the accuracy, currency or applicability of any of the contents in relation to specific situations and particular circumstances. In addition, none of the content of this website will form any part of any contract between us or constitutes an offer by us. Please note that information may be changed or updated without notice.
Questions or suggestions
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this policy, have any concerns about the practices of our websites please contact us at Or call us on (01236) 707 168.
Equally, if you have any problems accessing the documents published on this website, please contact us.
Any personal data collected through this website will be treated in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Content and Links
Argyll and Bute ADP seeks to ensure that the information published on its web site is up to date and accurate. However, the information on the website does not constitute legal or professional advice and Argyll and Bute ADP does not accept any liability for actions arising from its use.
Argyll and Bute ADP cannot be held responsible for the contents of any pages referenced by an external link.
Third-party cookies
When you visit our website you may notice some cookies that are not related to Argyl & Bute ADP. When you visit a page that contains embedded content, for example from YouTube, you may be sent cookies from these websites. We don't control the setting of these cookies, so we suggest you check the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.
Further information about cookies
If you'd like to learn more about cookies in general and how to manage them, visit (opens in a new window - please note that we can't be responsible for the content of external websites).
Cookies we use on this site
_utma, _utmz
These cookies enable the function of Google Analytics. Software, this software helps us take and analyse visitor information such as browser usage, new visitor numbers, response to marketing activity and shopping times. That information helps us to improve the website and your visitor experience, and to make our marketing campaigns relevant.
The data stored by these cookies can be seen only by the relevant teams at Adeo Group and Google and never shows any confidential information.
'share' tools
If you take the opportunity to 'share' our content with friends through social networks – such as Facebook and Twitter - you may be sent cookies from these websites. We don't control the setting of these cookies, so we suggest you check the third-party websites for more information about their cookies and how to manage them.
How to check cookies are enabled for PCs
If cookies aren't enabled on your computer, it will mean that your visitor experience on our website will be limited to browsing and researching;
For PCs: If you're not sure of the type and version of web browser you use to access the Internet click on 'Help' at the top of your browser window and select the 'About' option
Google Chrome
Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select Options
Click the 'Under the Hood' tab, locate the 'Privacy' section, and select the 'Content settings' button
Select 'Allow local data to be set'
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0
Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select 'Internet options' , then click on the 'Privacy' tab
If your Privacy level is set to Medium or below, this will enable cookies in your browser
Settings above Medium will disable cookies
Mozilla Firefox
Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select Options
Then select the Privacy icon
Click on Cookies, then select 'allow sites to set cookies'
Click on the Cog icon at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option
Click on 'Security', check the option that says 'Block third-party and advertising cookies'
Click 'Save'
How to check cookies are enabled for Macs
For Macs: If you're not sure of the type and version of web browser you use to access the Internet: with the browser window open, click on the Apple menu and select the 'About' option
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 on OSX
Click on 'Explorer' at the top of your browser window and select 'Preferences' options Scroll down until you see 'Cookies' under Receiving Files
Select the 'Never Ask' option
Safari on OSX
Click on 'Safari' at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option
Click on 'Security' then 'Accept cookies'
Select the 'Only from site you navigate to'
Mozilla and Netscape on OSX
Click on 'Mozilla' or 'Netscape' at the top of your browser window and select the 'Preferences' option
Scroll down until you see cookies under 'Privacy & Security'
Select 'Enable cookies for the originating web site only'
Click on 'Menu' at the top of your browser window and select 'Settings'
Then select 'Preferences', select the 'Advanced' tab
Then select 'Accept cookies' option
All other browsers
Please consult your documentation or online help files.